Call for Papers

Conference Themes

AISHE welcomes the submission of abstracts which address the key conference theme of Designing & Delivering Curricula for the Future.

The emphasis should be on reflection and evaluation rather than merely on describing what is happening.

Presentation Format/Track

All accepted presentations at the conference will be assigned to one of two presentation formats or conference "tracks":

  • Oral/workshop: Oral presentation of research, evaluation, policy or practice with the emphasis on drawing out lessons for others and involving participants in engaging with your findings.
  • Poster: Posters will be displayed throughout the conference; there will be an assigned programme session specifically for participant discussion with poster presenters.

Abstract Submission

A proposal for presentation at the conference should be submitted in the form of an abstract only, not to exceed 300 words in length.

Refereeing Process

Each abstract will be peer-reviewed by the programme committee for acceptance at the conference against the following criteria:

  • Relevance to the conference theme
  • Clarity and coherence
  • Reflection and evaluation of educational values, practice and or/policy
  • Contribution to scholarship and evaluation of change in higher education

While authors can propose a preferred presentation format (or conference "track"), the programme committee reserves the right to (re-)assign submissions to either oral/workshop or poster presentation track, in the light of overall constraints on the programme schedule.

Publication of Proceedings (Online)

Authors of all accepted abstract submissions (regardless of presentation format/track) will be invited to prepare a full paper for inclusion in the (online) conference proceedings. The paper should be 3000-4000 words. Note that at least one of the authors must register for full conference attendence in order for the paper to be included in the conference programme and proceedings.

Submissions for this conference were closed on 2010-04-12.

All Ireland Society for Higher Education
